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How to Prepare Your Yard for Children

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Are you expecting a baby via surrogacy, adoption, or childbirth? Congratulation! As you prepare your home for your bundle of joy, you also need to consider your yard space. Creating a safe, engaging, and fun yard for kiddos requires careful planning and consideration. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you transform your outdoor space into a child-friendly haven!

Assess the Yard for Safety

If you’re having a baby via surrogacy or adoption, the costs add up. In fact, the cost of surrogacy can vary widely based on a number of factors, including the surrogate’s individual expenses as well as unexpected medical circumstances that occur throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, keeping your yard safe on a budget is crucial! Consider these three steps.

Inspect for Hazards

Begin by thoroughly inspecting your yard for potential hazards. Look for sharp objects, toxic plants, and any debris that could cause injuries. Remove or securely cover any items that could pose a risk to children.

Secure Fencing and Gates

Ensure your yard is enclosed with sturdy fencing and gates. This prevents children from wandering off and keeps unwanted visitors or animals out. Regularly check the fence for gaps or damage and make necessary repairs.

Safe Play Zones

Designate specific areas for different activities. Create separate zones for play, relaxation, and gardening. This organization helps keep play areas free from gardening tools and other potential hazards.

Choose Child-Friendly Landscaping

Child-friendly landscaping is a must as your baby grows and wants to explore your property. By taking the time to hydromulch properly, you’ll prevent soil erosion, which can take away space for your child to play! Add the following tips to your landscaping to-do list, too.

Soft Surfaces

Incorporate soft surfaces like grass, rubber mulch, or sand in play areas. These materials cushion falls and reduce the risk of injury. Avoid hard surfaces like concrete in high-traffic play zones.

Non-Toxic Plants

Select non-toxic plants and avoid those with thorns or sharp leaves. Some common toxic plants to avoid include oleander, foxglove, and daffodils. Instead, choose child-friendly plants like sunflowers, marigolds, and snapdragons.

Shade and Shelter

Provide shaded areas to protect children from sun exposure. Planting trees, setting up pergolas, or using shade sails can create comfortable play spaces. Ensure shelters are sturdy and safely constructed.

Equip the Yard With Play Structures

There are so many play structures available today for little ones to play with. Consider these ideas as you research what’s best for your property.

Age-Appropriate Equipment

Install play structures that are appropriate for your children’s ages. Swings, slides, and climbing frames should be suitable for their developmental stage. Check the weight limits and ensure the equipment is installed correctly.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect and maintain play structures. Check for wear and tear, loose bolts, and other potential issues. Replace or repair damaged equipment promptly to ensure safety.

Create a Sandbox

A sandbox is a great addition to any yard. Ensure it’s covered when not in use to keep out animals and debris. Use fine sand and keep it clean to prevent any health issues.

Add Engaging Features and Promote Outdoor Learning

During the toddler years, your child’s development will quickly advance in the following five main areas: physical, cognitive, emotional and social, language, and sensory and motor skills. Therefore, it’s important to have features in your yard that engage them mentally and promote outdoor learning!

Water Play Areas

Consider adding water play features like a splash pad or a small wading pool. Ensure these areas are supervised and have proper drainage to avoid standing water, which can attract mosquitoes.

Garden Space

Involve your children in gardening by creating a small garden space. Plant easy-to-grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs. This not only teaches them about nature but also encourages healthy outdoor activities.

Sensory Play Areas

Create sensory play areas with different textures, sounds, and sights. You can use materials like gravel, wood chips, and stepping stones. Wind chimes, bird feeders, and colorful flowers add to the sensory experience.

Outdoor Classroom

Set up an outdoor classroom with a table, chairs, and educational materials. This space can be used for arts and crafts, homework, or nature study. It encourages learning and creativity in a natural setting.

Nature Exploration

Encourage nature exploration by providing tools like magnifying glasses, bug catchers, and binoculars. Create a nature scavenger hunt to make outdoor time educational and fun.

Reading Nook

Create a cozy reading nook with comfortable seating and shade. Stock it with a variety of books suitable for different age groups. This promotes a love for reading and provides a quiet retreat.

Preparing your yard for children involves thoughtful planning and ongoing maintenance. By creating a safe, engaging, and well-organized outdoor space, you provide an environment where children can play, learn, and grow while enjoying the great outdoors.

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